Weight Loss and Food IntoleranceLose Weight on a Healthy Diet and Stay Thin – Forever
Overweight? Want to lose weight without dieting?
Weight Loss and Food Intolerance will show you how the food we eat today can make us fat and how, with a few simple changes, you can lose weight, be healthier, and stay that way – forever.
“If you wait until the ‘right time’ arrives when everyone agrees with you and everyone is 100% supportive and life is trouble free you will die overweight.”
"I’d been writing about food intolerance for well over twenty years but it never occurred to me to link the trend of people becoming overweight with food intolerance…"
Weight Loss and Food Intolerance will explain in detail how just a couple of changes in your diet can lead to better health and weight loss that lasts.
Most diets simply fail because they are not sustainable in the long term. You might lose weight but as soon as you stop the diet you put weight on. To lose weight and stay thin you need a diet that is healthy, for you, that you can eat for the rest of your life.
Weight Loss and Food Intolerance shows you how to lose weight and stay that way.
Don’t delay any longer. Read this book, discover how food is your friend not your enemy, and begin your journey to lasting weight loss.