Workaholic or Food Intolerant?
Collecting cat food from a pet store just recently I was side tracked by the frenzied activity of a couple of chipmunks. With their constant hyperactive movement, they are totally and utterly exhausting to watch and reminded me of how I used to be a number of years ago - constant movement, juggling a 101 tasks at the same, driving work colleagues crazy by working faster and longer than anyone else, sleeping very little, always on the go, always with something to say until… the burn out phase of no energy, total disinterest and lethargy took over. Mind you it usually only took a few days of recovery and I was back to being manic…
I now know that this frenzied energy, and it's opposite, was linked with too much Salicylate in my system. It does make me wonder how many 'workaholics' are actually being driven by too much Salicylate, too many additives, caffeine, or some other food intolerance problem.
I doubt any of them would thank me for suggesting that their energy and 'commitment' was chemically induced - I know I wouldn't have BUT what I was experiencing was artificial energy and life without it is so much more gentle and peaceful and I still got loads done but much much more calmly.