Food Diary
The only way of knowing if you have a food intolerance problem is to eliminate suspect foods from your diet and then test them. If you need to do this for more than one food or for any food chemical you will inevitably get confused.
Trying to remember what you ate, when you ate it, and how you felt is never easy. Just try remembering what you ate a week ago and how you felt - it's virtually impossible.
Information on how to test foods can be found in the section on Food Intolerance and in the book The Food Intolerance Handbook.
What is a Food Diary?
A food diary (sometimes called a food and/or health journal) is a detailed record, kept by you, of the food you have eaten and tested and your health during that time.
If you are serious about your food testing, you will need to keep a detailed record of everything that you eat and the best way of doing that is to use a food diary.
A food diary is your record and your evidence of the changes that take place. Make using one an absolute priority.
Where do I get one?
There is currently a Six Week Food Diary available in paperback. It was designed by Sharla to accompany this site. It contains all the information you need to get started and lots of space to record the details of your health and diet and the changes that will take place. If you are new to understanding food intolerance it is highly recommended that you start with one of these Food Diaries.
The Six Week Food Diary is also available in a Print For Yourself version that you can download for free. The file is in PDF format – just click on the image and the Food Diary will open.
The only difference between the two versions is that the free version has information visible on each page in the header and footer section – these sections are not in the paperback version. Oh and the other difference is the cost of ink and paper - the Diary has more than 120 pages. |
If you want to make your own, purchase a notebook and mark out the pages so that you can write down the foods (all the ingredients) you eat on one side and how you feel on the other. Allocate a page to each day and away you go.
Remember your diary becomes your evidence - keep it neat and tidy so that if you need to show it to a doctor she can read it.
The diary was produced as a result of my own experience with notebooks that soon got into a mess. I wanted something I could check through quickly and find the information I was after. Getting organised was the only way - hence the food diary.
An added bonus of the diary is that it will make your food intolerance testing look more professional and a doctor will find it easier to follow than a homemade notebook. Having said that please do not be put of from making your own. It is far more important that you use one rather than worrying about how it looks.
Free Food Diary
You are welcome to print pages from the Food Diary for yourself and for other people. You may also copy the Food Diary and pass it on to others who may be interested. The Diary may also be made available for free download from web sites other than on condition that no alterations are made to the Diary and no charge is made.